Distinctive Representation in Sophisticated Family Law Matters
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Spring break is an opportunity to spend quality time with your kids as they enjoy a break from the grind of school. Some families plan vacations or extravagant activities, but for those going through a custody dispute, finding fun things to do can be tricky. From monetary concerns to temporary travel restrictions, you may need to get a bit creative with the activities you plan this year. The good news is we’ve created this list of some great spring break ideas as you go through a custody dispute to make this holiday one of the best ones yet. Continue reading →

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March is Women’s History Month, a time to celebrate the achievements of the countless women who have shaped the course of history.  In the legal world, the Supreme Court is the pinnacle of the judiciary, and the six women who have served as Supreme Court Justices have played a major part in the Court’s evolution.  As we celebrate Women’s History Month, let’s take a moment to honor their legacies and celebrate their invaluable contributions to the Court. Continue reading →

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Equitable distribution in divorce proceedings sometimes includes provisions that one spouse shall keep property in exchange for a lump sum payment to the other spouse. The payor spouse may want to deduct these payments from their taxes, especially when they total large amounts. While alimony payments are generally tax-deductible, not all payments made from one ex-spouse to another are considered alimony for tax purposes. Continue reading →

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Tax season for the 2024 tax year will come to a close for most people in the next month. Filers who make regular support payments to ex-spouses or children may wonder whether these payments are deductible on their federal taxes. Alimony is typically deductible while child support is not, but the process can be complicated, as the case of Rojas v. Commissioner shows. Continue reading →

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For unmarried parents, deciding which parent claims the child on their taxes is a common discussion point around the beginning of each year. Some divorce decrees or custody orders include stipulations for which parent can claim the child, but this is not always the case. If you do not have a court-ordered agreement, determining who qualifies for the earned income tax credit is crucial to ensure compliance with federal law. Continue reading →

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For children of divorced parents, celebrating the holidays isn’t always easy.  Navigating custody arrangements and giving both parents an opportunity to bond with their children can be a tricky balancing act.  If you’re looking for ways to make this St. Patrick’s Day special for your children, here are a few activities in the Greensboro, NC area that can be done either together or separately. Continue reading →

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After you file a divorce complaint in North Carolina, you must serve your spouse with the complaint and the summons. There are somewhat complex requirements for how a spouse must be served with these legal documents. You cannot hand the divorce complaint and summons to your spouse personally; with limited exceptions, you must use one of the following methods:

  • Service by the sheriff’s department
  • Service by a private process server
  • Certified or registered mail with return receipt requested

If mailing the complaint and summons, you may use the United States Postal Service, UPS, or FedEx. You must file proof of service with the court to show your spouse received the documents. Continue reading →

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North Carolina domestic violence charges can be filed against someone who has used or tried to use physical force against someone they have or have had a close personal relationship with. Not every relationship is included in General Statute Section 14-32.5, but charges can be filed if the abuser is one of the following:

  • A current or former spouse, guardian, or parent of the victim
  • A parent to a child shared by the victim
  • Someone who has or is cohabiting with the victim as a spouse, guardian, or parent
  • Someone currently or previously in a dating relationship with the victim

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North Carolina’s domestic violence law has undergone changes in recent years, expanding the types of qualifying relationships and the list of people who can be charged. Previously, the law limited domestic violence charges in relationships to a man who assaulted his female partner. If a woman was found guilty of a similar act of violence, she would likely face simple assault charges, which often carried lesser penalties. The state’s updated legislation encompasses broader definitions of who can be charged with domestic violence. Continue reading →

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The end of a marriage can be devastating, no matter the circumstances, and it takes time to process the loss. Holidays like Valentine’s Day can be difficult, especially if it’s the first one after a divorce. It may be painful, but you can learn to navigate the different emotions you’re sure to feel. Here are a few ways you can shift your focus and view Valentine’s Day as a way to love and value yourself because you are truly worth loving. Continue reading →