Hi, Ms. Carolyn My wife and I need some advice. In 2009, we had to see a judge in a matter of a 50B taken out by my stepson’s father based upon alleged child abuse. The 50B judge said that we would revisit the 50B issue after DSS finished their…
Articles Posted in Children
Ask Carolyn: Facebook Posts as Evidence in Custody Cases
Dear Carolyn, My ex is all over Facebook about what she did with the kids during Spring Break. She apparently took some young woman with her to babysit so she could spend more time with her boyfriend on the Florida beach. She posted my little boy “buck naked” on the…
Medical Kidnapping by DHHS
Dear Carolyn, I am a legally blind mother with a ten-year-old daughter. My daughter was just diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes. Just prior to the diagnosis, my daughter had a fainting spell, and my neighbor called social services. Now, I have the Department of Health and Human Services at my door.…
Ask Carolyn: How to Deal with a Problem Stepchild
Dear Carolyn, Did I walk in a landmine or what? I married the most wonderful man, but his daughter who lives with us half of the time is a nightmare. She is disrespectful and disruptive. She will not clean up after herself. She is always texting on her phone and…
Ask Carolyn: Can I get social security benefits for my grandchildren?
Hello Carolyn, I have a question regarding grandchildren who are in the custody of the grandparents. Here is the scenario. My wife and I have legal custody of three grandchildren ages 13, 12, and 9. We were granted legal custody by the court about 18 months ago. Before that, we…
Bullied by Social Services
Dear Carolyn, I have a case going on with the Guilford County Department of Social Services. The social worker advised me not to get an attorney, and that it would be worse for me if I got an attorney, and that I don’t need one anyway. I feel this was…
Ask Carolyn: What should I teach my teenager about finances?
Dear Carolyn, I have a sixteen-year-old. What should I be teaching the sixteen-year-old about managing money, retirement, and financial matters? My spouse and I have a difference of opinion on this topic and I want to know your thoughts, Carolyn. Carolyn Answers…. I favor training teens in financial matters. …
I pay for my children, so why don’t I get the tax benefit?
Dear Carolyn, It is tax time. I am divorced and have two children. I pay $2000 per month in child support, and my ex (the mother) doesn’t even work. She will not give me the dependency exemptions for the children. The judge didn’t give them to me either. They live…
Does My Ex Have to Help Pay for Our Daughter’s Prom Dress?
Dear Carolyn, Prom is coming up, and my daughter is a senior. I want her to have a nice dress for prom, but her father will not help pay for the dress. I receive $622 per month child support pursuant to a child support order, and our daughter lives mostly…
The Rights of Same-Sex Couples: Adoption
Joshua Chilton, Legal AssistantThe United States, as a whole, has only allowed same-sex marriage for just over two and a half years. It is law that same-sex couples have the right to marry in the United States of America, but there are some who still struggle with the question of what exactly that…