
Articles Posted in ClientVille


Ask Carolyn: How Can I Help with My Grandchild’s Day Care Tuition?

Carolyn Woodruff, J.D., C.P.A, C.V.A.

Dear Carolyn, I am a grandmother, and I want to help pay for the tuition for my grandchild’s day care and education at a nice day care facility.  Then, my daughter and son-in-law can work without worry.  They own their own business, and they both need to focus some quality…


How Can I Make the Most of Time with My Kids?

Carolyn Woodruff, J.D., C.P.A, C.V.A.

Dear Carolyn, I am a father of a beautiful 8-year-old daughter and a handsome 10-year-old son.  I live here, but the mother lives in California.  The mother has custody, but the children will be visiting with me for the last two weeks of July and the first two weeks of…


Ask Carolyn: Who Gets the Dependency Exemptions?

Carolyn Woodruff, J.D., C.P.A, C.V.A.

Dear Carolyn: My ex and I share the children fifty-fifty.  We have three children.  I make approximately $25,000 more than the other parent.  I pay child support even though I have them half the time.  Our child support order says nothing about who gets the dependency exemptions, and I get…


Ask Carolyn: My Soon-to-Be Ex Would Rather Get Alimony Than Work!

Carolyn Woodruff, J.D., C.P.A, C.V.A.

Dear Carolyn, I work and make a good income.  During our marriage, my wife worked for a while, but stopped when we had children.  She has and maintains a CPA license.  We have a 15-year-old with some discipline problems and ADHD.  We are divorcing, and I think she should go…


Ask Carolyn: How to Get a Deadbeat Husband Out of the House

Carolyn Woodruff, J.D., C.P.A, C.V.A.

Dear Carolyn, I have a cousin, Bernie, who lives in another North Carolina city. She is mid-30s, professionally employed and has two school-aged sons who are involved in numerous sports, school and community activities. My cousin spends the majority of her free time working with and for her kids. Her…


Ask Carolyn: Will My Daughter’s Age Keep Me from Getting Custody?

Carolyn Woodruff, J.D., C.P.A, C.V.A.

Dear Carolyn, I have a two year old daughter and the mother and I are facing a custody trial. The mother, in my opinion, has some mental disorders and has been treated for long-term depression. The mother breast fed, and mother and daughter are close.  I feel, however, that I…


Ask Carolyn: Is My Ex Cohabiting? Will that Terminate My Alimony?

Carolyn Woodruff, J.D., C.P.A, C.V.A.

Dear Carolyn, My ex is receiving alimony, which I obviously do not want to pay.  She has a son, by another marriage, who is a heroin addict.  My ex-wife began dating shortly after our divorce, and she seems quite entrenched with this guy.  He stays over at my ex’s on…


We’re Separated, but I Still Owe Money on the Engagement Ring!

Dear Carolyn, I am separated.  We were only married two years before separating. She is having an affair.  I bought my wife a huge engagement ring, which I gave to her before the wedding.  I still owe $25,000 on the ring, which was borrowed before we got married.  We paid…


Parental Alienation After Divorce

Dear Carolyn, My heart is broken. The mother of my children has bad-mouthed me so much and talked about our nasty divorce to the children so much that the children won’t talk to me or visit with me. She has poisoned their minds. What can I do? Carolyn Answers…. Estrangement…


Ask Carolyn: Can DSS Use a Dropped 50B As Evidence of Child Abuse?

Hi, Ms. Carolyn My wife and I need some advice. In 2009, we had to see a judge in a matter of a 50B taken out by my stepson’s father based upon alleged child abuse. The 50B judge said that we would revisit the 50B issue after DSS finished their…

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