
Articles Posted in ClientVille


Ask Carolyn: How do I Defend Myself Against a 50B Protective Order?

Dear Carolyn, My wife keeps threatening me with a 50B.  We do argue, but I have never laid a hand on her or even threatened her.  She says in court it will be her word against mine.  Is there anything I can do to protect myself?  I don’t want to…


Ask Carolyn: Facebook Posts as Evidence in Custody Cases

Dear Carolyn, My ex is all over Facebook about what she did with the kids during Spring Break. She apparently took some young woman with her to babysit so she could spend more time with her boyfriend on the Florida beach. She posted my little boy “buck naked” on the…


Premarital Agreements and the Family Business

Dear Carolyn, My daughter is getting married next year.  We have family business and my daughter works in the business. Is a premarital agreement appropriate for her, even though she is only 25?  When should she bring this up with her fiancé?   Carolyn Answers… Yes, a premarital agreement is…


Medical Kidnapping by DHHS

Dear Carolyn, I am a legally blind mother with a ten-year-old daughter. My daughter was just diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes. Just prior to the diagnosis, my daughter had a fainting spell, and my neighbor called social services. Now, I have the Department of Health and Human Services at my door.…


Ask Carolyn: Owning a Business with the Ex-Wife

Dear Carolyn,  We have a small family business. I do all the work with customers; my ex-wife does the bookkeeping. We both own the company as shareholders. We now are now separated. What protections do I need to put in place? She writes checks that are not for business expenses…


Ask Carolyn: How to Deal with a Problem Stepchild

Dear Carolyn, Did I walk in a landmine or what?  I married the most wonderful man, but his daughter who lives with us half of the time is a nightmare.  She is disrespectful and disruptive.  She will not clean up after herself.  She is always texting on her phone and…


Ask Carolyn: Can I get social security benefits for my grandchildren?

Hello Carolyn, I have a question regarding grandchildren who are in the custody of the grandparents. Here is the scenario. My wife and I have legal custody of three grandchildren ages 13, 12, and 9.  We were granted legal custody by the court about 18 months ago.  Before that, we…


Ask Carolyn: Is Humiliation Grounds for Divorce?

Dear Carolyn, My spouse has done something that is terribly embarrassing to me.  It also might be criminal.  Everyone in the community knows; our friends know, and I am mortified and humiliated.  I want a divorce.  Do I have grounds for getting a divorce? – Humiliated   Dear Humiliated, Assuming…


Ask Carolyn: What should I teach my teenager about finances?

Dear Carolyn, I have a sixteen-year-old.  What should I be teaching the sixteen-year-old about managing money, retirement, and financial matters?  My spouse and I have a difference of opinion on this topic and I want to know your thoughts, Carolyn.   Carolyn Answers…. I favor training teens in financial matters. …

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