Dear Carolyn, I have tried co-parenting our seven and eleven-year-old, and it is just not working. My psychologist says my ex is probably a narcissist. Every time I try to talk with him or even text him, he turns the discussion into something else. He seems to have no concept…
Articles Posted in ClientVille
Prescription Drug Abuse and Pilot Logs
Dear Readers, let me hear from you regarding prescription drug abuse and its effect on your family. In the second Ask Carolyn today, I touch on the Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne divorce and Prince’s death. Dear Carolyn, I am a pilot going through a divorce. My ex is holding…
Internet Addiction in Teens
Dear Readers, Internet addiction is here and is real! I would like to hear from you on this topic. Do you know that a Kaiser Family Foundation study showed that two-thirds of parents have no rules on internet use, particularly internet use unrelated to homework and research? Today’s second Ask…
Homework, Haircuts, and Tattoos: Co-Parenting Compromises
Dear Carolyn, I share custody of our son with my ex-husband. Another school year is about the begin. I dread the issues with homework. As my son gets older and homework gets more important, there has to be something we can do as parents to make sure homework is both…
What Happens When My Domestic Violence Protective Order Expires?
Dear Carolyn, I have a domestic violence protective order, but the one year expires next month. I am still afraid of her. She came at me with a knife, but luckily, I was able to get away. She still posts statements on Facebook that let me know she is still…
My Ex Cheated, but I Forgave Her. Will I Owe Alimony?
Dear Carolyn, My wife had an affair, and because I wanted to save the marriage for the children, I forgave her. That was about ten years ago. Now, it is really not working, and I want out. The last child has finished high school. She spends too much money and…
Return of Firearms After a Domestic Violence Protective Order
Dear Carolyn, I want my guns back. My ex-wife filed a 50B for domestic violence that never happened, and the judge took my guns away. The incident, she fabricated, didn’t even involve a gun. The year is up, so how do I get my guns back? Carolyn Answers… Unless…
5 Apps for Divorced Parents
Venn Crawford, non-attorney Marketing AssistantDivorce and its aftermath can be (and usually are) chaotic. Having kids and keeping track of all their things was tough enough, and now you have to coordinate your parenting with someone you may not even want to talk to, much less strategize with. And on top of it all,…
Spying Through the Smartphone
Dear Carolyn, I am a mother with primary custody of a nine-year-old daughter. The father has visitation. For Christmas, he bought our daughter a smartphone for Christmas, but he did not discuss this with me. He had spyware on the smartphone that allowed him to see her opening the Christmas…
I pay for my children, so why don’t I get the tax benefit?
Dear Carolyn, It is tax time. I am divorced and have two children. I pay $2000 per month in child support, and my ex (the mother) doesn’t even work. She will not give me the dependency exemptions for the children. The judge didn’t give them to me either. They live…