
Articles Posted in ClientVille


Even Brad Pitt Doesn’t Always Get What He Wants

By: Jennifer A. Crissman, Attorney, Woodruff Family Law Group

I must confess, as a family law attorney I cannot help reading about celebrity relationships. I find that even though it feels like celebrities are untouchable and have very different lives than our own when a celebrity relationship ends the same scenarios arise. Separation and divorce are the great equalizers,…


Substantial Change in Circumstances in North Carolina Child Custody Agreements – Pulliam v. Smith

If you have an existing child custody order that you want to change, the process can be quite complex. A North Carolina parent cannot just unilaterally change any type of child custody agreement. At the Woodruff Family Law Group, our seasoned family law lawyers can help you determine if your…


Child Abuse and Spousal Privilege

by Jennifer Crissman, Woodruff Family Law Group

As a parent, it is a nightmare even to imagine your child being harmed. But for some families in the Piedmont, this is a grim reality. The scenario turns even darker when there are allegations that your spouse harmed the child. This places the parent in a terrible position: trying…


Planning for Retirement Post-Divorce

Carolyn Woodruff, a North Carolina CPA and Family Law Specialist, frequently is faced in sending a divorce client in the right direction after receiving a retirement plan in a divorce settlement.   Here are her thoughts on the subject: The recipient may be receiving generally one or more of three…


Potluck and Netflix: Tips for a Triad Friendsgiving

By Sarah Andrew, Blog Writer, Woodruff Family Law Group

When I think of Friendsgiving, I think of my first attempt at baking pumpkin muffins. I remember my joy at having an excuse to try out my roommate’s fancy stand mixer, my panic at using so much butter at once, the brisk three-block walk to my friend’s apartment, in ill-advised…


Double Double Toil and Trouble: Celebrating a Second Halloween

By Sarah Andrew, Blog Writer, Woodruff Family Law Group

Everyone knows that the best thing about Halloween—besides the mountain of free candy—is the opportunity to transform, at least for the night, into a superhero or a Disney princess or a delightfully spooky creature. (Or, if your parents are at all like mine, into one-half of old-timey comedy duo Laurel…


Ok, Greensboro, I have some hard news to break . . . “Brangelina” is no more.

By: Diana Westrick, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law Group

If you have happened upon your browser’s home screen, Facebook, Twitter, or any news outlet, you have already been bombarded with the news that Angelina Jolie has filed for divorce from Brad Pitt. What? How?  Why?  Say it isn’t so! While you have to love the efforts of gossip sites…


Temporary or Permanent Orders in North Carolina Child Custody Cases – King v. King

In any divorce, custody cases can be extremely complicated. While we want to believe that most parents can amicably work out an agreement that is best for the children, the reality is that there are often long and drawn-out custody battles that can exhaust the entire family. Under North Carolina…


You Want My Advice, Greensboro? Don’t Take Advice.

By: Diana Westrick, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law Group

*This blog has practical wisdom and is not intended as legal advice. We have all been there: something upsetting, traumatizing, and devastating occurs, and we look to those around us for comfort and support.  You know, someone who is willing to nod silently while we vent.  Now, be honest, how…

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