The Greensboro and High Point area is fortunate to be served by Family Service of the Piedmont, a local non-profit agency providing families and individuals affordable services in dealing with domestic violence, mental health, child abuse, and financial stability issues.
Family Service of the Piedmont (FSP) offers services in court advocacy, counseling, and case management and can refer victims to other community resources for adults or children that have been affected by domestic violence, sexual assault, rape, violent crimes or, human trafficking. Some of the services offered by FSP include:
- free and confidential counseling,
- victim advocacy and assistance navigating the court system,
- providing a safe environment for abused children to tell their story,
- support groups,
- help with the 50B restraining order process,
- temporary emergency shelter for victims to escape their abusers, and
- a domestic violence intervention program for both men and women.
FSP manages two temporary emergency shelters in the area: Clara House in Greensboro and Carpenter House in High Point. The shelters provide victims a safe place to stay and offer access to a 24-hour crisis line, counseling, court advocacy, case management, and transitional assistance for victims preparing to leave and start a new life. Case managers at the shelters help victims qualify for food stamps, apply for public housing, locate child care, and assist with finding employment. Transitional assistance includes assistance locating housing, help with donated furniture and other items that assist beginning a new life on their own.
If you find yourself in immediate danger, always call 911 first. If you are searching for help to escape domestic violence, Family Service of the Piedmont can help. For additional information on how to contact and get help from Family Service of the Piedmont, visit the following links: