
North Carolina Divorce Lawyers Blog


Can North Carolina Spousal Support Payments Continue After the Paying Spouse Dies?

Spousal support can be awarded in North Carolina divorces if the court determines that such payments are necessary for the maintenance of a lesser-earning or dependent spouse. The terms of support vary from case to case, but the court may award payments for a set or indefinite period of time.…


Spousal Support Credits and the Determination of Alimony Awards in North Carolina

When awarding spousal support in North Carolina, courts must look at various factors to determine not just if support is appropriate but also how much to award and for how long. State law includes the following factors for courts to consider: Marital misconduct Earnings and earning capacity of each spouse…


Sole and Shared Physical Custody in North Carolina

North Carolina law states that custody of a child may be granted jointly to both parents or exclusively to one parent, but how is that decision made in custody cases? All North Carolina orders for custody must be based on what arrangement will promote the best interest and welfare of…


Can North Carolina Courts Refuse to Grant Visitation to a Non-Custodial Parent?

Parents have a protected right to care for their children in North Carolina, and that right affords them some significant protections when it comes to custody and visitation. For instance, third parties like grandparents can seek visitation and custody only in very limited circumstances. However, when parents are involved in…


Can Grandparents File for Custody and Visitation in North Carolina?

In custody and visitation cases, grandparents are considered third parties. North Carolina does not allow third parties to seek custody or visitation unless certain conditions are met. First, filing for visitation requires that the child’s family is not intact, which means there must be an ongoing issue like an open…


Can Consent Orders Control Jurisdiction in North Carolina Custody Cases?

Jurisdiction is the authority of a particular court to hear and rule on a case, and it is a crucial part of any court proceeding. There are multiple types of jurisdiction, such as territorial and subject matter. Territorial jurisdiction refers to a court’s ability to hear cases relating to a…


Can a Non-Parent Be Required to Pay Child Support in North Carolina?

There are some situations in which a non-parent may be required to pay child support in North Carolina, but there are strict requirements that must be met. In most cases, non-parents are not obligated to pay child support. A recent Court of Appeals case dealt with this issue, stating that,…


What is Imputed Income in North Carolina Child Support Cases?

North Carolina child support is calculated using various elements like the needs of the child and the custody arrangements, but income is one of the most significant factors in child support determinations. In most cases, the income each parent presently and actually earns is used to calculate support obligations. However,…


How is Marital Property Valued After Being Distributed in North Carolina?

Equitable distribution is available in North Carolina divorces whenever either party requests it. The court will determine the most equitable division of assets and debts, which is not always an equal split. Determining the most equitable distribution of the spouses’ property involves various factors, including: Income of each spouse at…


Can You Serve a Divorce Summons by Mail in North Carolina?

In civil cases, such as divorces and equitable distribution matters, the defendant must be served with the summons and complaint prior to the date of the hearing. While process servers and the local Sheriff’s department can serve legal documents, you may also be able to serve the opposing party by…

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