Plaintiff Nigel Williams (“Father”) and Defendant Latoria Johnson (“Mother”) were married on May 1, 2015. Father and Mother had one child born February 17, 2016. Father and Mother then separated on April 30, 2016. On January 17, 2017, Father filed a complaint for child custody. On April 28, 2017, a…
North Carolina Divorce Lawyers Blog
Domestic Violence and Termination of Parental Rights
In Re TB, 2022-NCSC-43. Facts: In January of 2019, Mecklenburg County DSS filed a petition alleging that the minor child in this action was neglected and dependent. They later moved her to foster care. The petition was initiated when police reported a domestic violence incident in the child’s home in…
The Family Law Process, Part 5
Everyone has seen a hearing on TV, but very few people know the process that leads up to that hearing. 95% of family law cases get settled before they even go to trial. Family law cases can be very stressful, but knowing what’s coming next can help lessen that stress.…
The Family Law Process, Part 4
Everyone has seen a hearing on TV, but very few people know the process that leads up to that hearing. 95% of family law cases get settled before they even go to trial. Family law cases can be very stressful, but knowing what’s coming next can help lessen that stress.…
Spousal Support in a Bigamous Marriage
Aviles v. Vulovic, E076743 (filed June 9, 2022). Facts: Plaintiff Husband married Defendant Wife in 2011. However, Wife’s previous divorce had not yet finalized. Wife’s first marriage ended in a separation, and in 2006 Wife filed a petition for divorce. Wife believed that a divorce would just materialize automatically six…
The Family Law Process, Part 3
Everyone has seen a hearing on TV, but very few people know the process that leads up to that hearing. 95% of family law cases get settled before they even go to trial. Family law cases can be very stressful, but knowing what’s coming next can help lessen that stress.…
The Family Law Process, Part 2
Everyone has seen a hearing on TV, but very few people know the process that leads up to that hearing. 95% of family law cases get settled before they even go to trial. Family law cases can be very stressful, but knowing what’s coming next can help lessen that stress.…
Can a Child Have Three Biological Parents?
In today’s world of blended families, while a lot of kids have more than two people who love and care for them like parents, everyone knows that all children have two biological parents. As of 2016, however, that is no longer true. That year, a child was born using a…
Adultery and Circumstantial Evidence
Huffman v. Huffman, 2022 NCCOA 309 – NC: Court of Appeals 2022 In this day of dating apps, social media, and instant gratification, temptations for the unfaithful are everywhere. But so are ways to cover your tracks: it’s easier to get and delete a text message than intercept a letter,…
The Family Law Process, Part 1
Everyone has seen a hearing on TV, but very few people know the process that leads up to that hearing. 95% of family law cases get settled before they even go to trial. Family law cases can be very stressful, but knowing what’s coming next can help lessen that stress.…