
North Carolina Divorce Lawyers Blog


Reunification vs. Adoption, Important Factors Must be Considered

IN THE MATTER OF: J.M. (No. COA19-421) Under certain circumstances, a court will remove children from the custodial care and control of a biological parent and place them with a foster family. The court then develops primary and secondary case plans. The case plans consider the children’s best interests and…


How to Avoid Parental Alienation and Why

Parental alienation syndrome is a psychological disorder that arises when one parent, whether consciously or unconsciously, engages in conduct that creates a divide between a child and a parent. Psychology Today lists many side effects that children suffer as a result of parental alienation, such as low self-esteem, lack of…


The 2020-21 School Year During COVID-19 in Guilford County As the new school year looms ahead, many parents are understandably concerned about how the state and Guilford County Schools (GCSNC) are going to deal with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The safety and education of your children are paramount. This post aims to be an introduction point; if you…


Termination of Parental Rights: Should the Reasons Be Spelled Out?

In re C.V.D.C. and C.D.C., _______NC________ (2020). In North Carolina, for a Termination of Parental Rights petition to succeed, a set of factors set out in N.C.G.S section 7B-1110(a) must be weighed by the court. If the balance of those factors favors termination, the trial court has discretion to do…


Parallel Parenting: What’s best for the children when the parents are hostile to one another?

When a marriage ends, many former couples carry hurt, anger, grief, resentment, and hostility towards each other. Some former spouses cannot let go of these feelings even after the divorce. What happens to the children of these marriages when those feelings carry over into their post-separation lives? During custody exchanges,…


Termination of Parental Rights and the Status Exception

In re F.S.T.Y. and A.A.L.Y., ____NC______ No.129A19 (2020). Termination of parental rights cases are complicated and difficult. Even more so when one parent is out of state and having to litigate in North Carolina. In the case below, we discuss how the North Carolina Supreme Court upheld a termination of…


Including College Expenses in a NC Separation Agreement

When parties begin the process of divorce, many people feel that that they should include college expenses in a separation agreement. One or both spouses want to ensure that the college expenses for their minor children are covered when the children reach that milestone. But should you agree to cover…


How Positive Change Can Modify a Child Custody Order

Padilla v. Whitley De Padilla, COA19-478 (2020) (unpublished). Child custody orders are modifiable. In order to do so, the party seeking a modification must show a substantial change from the circumstances found in previous order that warrant the modification. It may seem obvious that a diminishment in the custodial parent’s…


A Clarification on Custody and Visitation

Routten v. Routten, ______ N.C. _______ (2020). Child Custody can be a hotly contested issue in divorce cases with minor children involved. In certain instances, a court can award sole custody to one parent and even deny visitation to the noncustodial parent. That determination is severe and, by law, must…


If You Want Equitable Distribution, Then Separate First

Best v. Staton, (unpublished). Equitable Distribution is one of the mechanisms by which former spouses separate their personal and real property. It requires the right timing and, since not all property can be easily split, the right kind of appraisal. Real property is especially valuable, and sometimes difficult to assess.…

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