
North Carolina Divorce Lawyers Blog


Innocent Spouse Relief: Read Before Signing (Yancey v. Comm’r)

Yancey v. Comm’r, T.C. Memo. 2017-59, 2017 WL 1289451 (2017) Facts: A husband and wife filed joint returns. The returns were prepared by the wife. The returns understated the amount of tax due, mostly because they wrongly double-counted certain gambling losses incurred by the husband. The IRS assessed a deficiency.…


His & Hers: Equitable Distribution

Equitable Distribution, in a nutshell, is giving each party to a marriage what they are entitled regarding property acquired during the marriage.  As one of the pillars of many divorce proceedings, it is commonly the most complex aspects, requiring extensive research into the lives of individuals going through a divorce. …


The Third and a Half Wheel: Divisible Property (Daly v. Daly)

The two big classifications of property in all equitable distribution cases are “marital” and “separate” property.  These are the ones the get all the attention and are subject to some of the most intense scrutiny and debate; however, there is a third area of property that is equally as important…


Dividing Interest: Closely-Held Businesses

A great aspect of living in the triad area is the rich history of successful businesses that put down roots in the community and prospered over the years.  Greensboro is home to very familiar brands such as Wrangler and Volvo, and right down the road is High Point, which is…


Grandparents Listen Up

Toni Maurie Gwynn was a 17-month angel who died July 10, 2013 in Eden, North Carolina. She was found suffocated and strapped to a car seat. Apparently, she had not had food or water for many hours. The latest “who dun it” was resolved last week with her father Antonio…


Your Day at the Courtroom as a Witness or Spectator

By Carolyn J. Woodruff, North Carolina Family Law Specialist It is a privilege in our society to be in a civil courtroom. Courtrooms are places of decorum and are necessary to our system of justice and our freedom. Without witnesses, a trial cannot go forward. Without trials, our freedoms suffer.…


Separate Property Bought During Marriage?

Dear Carolyn, I have a family member who is separated. Before the separation, this person purchased a house with the deed only in her name and the deed of trust in both names. How will the courts view this property for equitable distribution? My family member thinks that since the…


A year can seem like a LONG time…..

Dear Carolyn, My wife and I have been married 20 years. Our child is graduating from high school this year, and we are miserable.  We own a home with lots of debt and we cannot afford to separate without selling our home first.  We both work, but there simply is…

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