Ok, you get to choose which unofficial holiday you celebrate in the month of June: Old Maid’s Day or National Hug your Cat Day. For those that have pet allergies, neither of these options may seem too exciting. However, try to consider the underlying point of which I’m trying to…
North Carolina Divorce Lawyers Blog
You Are Cordially Invited to a…Divorce Party
By Kristina Pisano, Blog Writer, Woodruff Family Law GroupI know it is a bit strange, a divorce party? They are currently trending in popularity, but think about it. Different major events in your life, graduations, birthday, weddings, and retirements are all celebrated. If you went through a messy divorce, wouldn’t you want a chance to celebrate surviving and…
Court Attitudes Toward Premarital Agreements
Previous posts regarding premarital agreements have discussed what a premarital agreement is, and why an engaged couple might want to sign one. Simply summarized, a premarital agreement is a good idea when both parties want to change the rules of law that would otherwise apply when their marriage terminates upon…
Plan now for a fun summer in the Triad!
By Kristina Pisano, Blog Writer, Woodruff Family Law GroupThe kids are starting to get antsy. All the final tests in school are coming to an end, and they have checked out for the year. You know what will be coming next: summer break! Last summer your kids always complained that they were bored, or they spent way too…
Do I Need A Premarital Agreement? – Johnny Depp didn’t think so…..
….But was that a smart decision for someone worth $400 million?? A premarital agreement is an agreement that changes the rules that the law normally applies when a marriage ends in divorce or death. Do you need a premarital agreement? You must determine whether you need to change the rules…
Memorial Day in the Triad
By Kristina Pisano, Blog Writer, Woodruff Family Law GroupIt’s almost time to slide your toes into your favorite flip flops, shed some of that winter wardrobe and start thinking summer! The Triad offers many celebrations and fantastic events for you and your family to enjoy Memorial Day weekend locally. Memorial Day Weekend Kickoff Concert: Nothing could be finer than…
Do I Need A Premarital Agreement? – Property Division Upon Divorce
A premarital agreement is a contract, signed by two persons who are about to be married. It sets forth rules that will apply when the marriage ends, either in death or divorce. It can also set forth rules to govern how the parties will deal with their property during the…
May 17th, 2011…a day that we can’t forget.
By Tina Ray, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law GroupIt’s the telephone call that you hope you never get. “Get to the hospital now! There’s been a terrible accident!” May 17th, 2011, was the day that happened. You go into panic mode. Your heart starts racing, your thoughts are jumbled. You have to remember how to drive, how to…
Gray Marriage – it’s never too late, but plan wisely!
By Carolyn J. Woodruff, JD, CPA, CVA By now, everyone in North Carolina has probably heard that Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne are most likely divorcing after 33 years of marriage. There has been an upturn in so-called “gray divorces” – where a couple divorces after the age of 50. But,…
Can your Friend or Family Member have Access to your Attorney-Client Materials? A Game Changer
By Carolyn J. Woodruff, JD, CPA, CVA I’d like to bring a family member or friend to my meeting with my attorneys – can I do this? It is common for a North Carolina divorce client to want to bring a close friend or a close family member to a…