Change is a four-letter word. Actually, we all know it’s six letters, but to some, it sometimes has the connotation as some of the more well-known four letter words that some of us use daily. One of the definitions from is: “to make a material difference so that the…
North Carolina Divorce Lawyers Blog
Planning for your “Future” Former Spouse: The North Carolina Premarital Agreement Act: Basics
by Carolyn J. Woodruff, JD, CPA, CVA, North Carolina Family Law SpecialistThe North Carolina Premarital Agreement Act describes the law for the creation of valid, enforceable premarital agreement. The North Carolina Premarital Agreement Act is under North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 52B. This will be one of several articles discussing the North Carolina Premarital Agreement Act. Formalities: Obviously, a premarital agreement…
Make This Valentine’s Day “More Me, Less You!”
By Amy Setzer, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law GroupSpending Valentine’s Day as a new member of the Triad Singles Guild could be more traumatic than your divorce–if you let it. Friends plan gushy evenings at Christopher B’s. Flowers appear on desks at work. The children’s tiny, perforated Minion cards taunt you from their WalMart bag. To top it…
Treat Yourself This Valentine’s Day
By Diana Westrick, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law GroupListen up, Greensboro! Single does not have to equal lonely. In fact, it is the time that we update our definitions and expectations to what being single truly signifies: independence, opportunity, and a bounty of love available to share. While the upcoming “love holiday” can often remind us of what…
A Tribute to My Father’s One Hundredth Birthday
by Carolyn Woodruff, JD, CPA, CVA, North Carolina Family Law SpecialistHad my Dad lived, he would have been 100- years-old today! Instead, he’s having some birthday cake in Heaven. My Mom survives and is here on Earth. While I am the older of their two biological children, they were older parents when I was born. I thought I’d take a…
Caught by the iPad! Could this Unintentional Spying Happen in North Carolina?
By Carolyn J. Woodruff, JD, CPA, CVA—North Carolina Family Law SpecialistOne of my favorite stars is Gwen Stefani. She manages a life of motherhood, career with celebrity status, and fashion. And, now she has just completed a divorce with her thirteen-year marriage to Gavin Rossdale, which produced Apollo (almost two); Kingston (age 9) and Zuma (age 7). Rumors swirl that…
The Danger of Unanticipated Consequences: Trying to Plan for Child Custody—For the Greensboro Gossip Girl Fans, an International Hague Issue
By Dana Horlick, Attorney, Woodruff Family Law GroupMost separated couples probably do not think about complex jurisdictional issues when they are deciding child custody issues. Maybe the schedule is one week on, one week off, with the parents alternating weeks wherein they have sole physical custody of the child for a particular week. Maybe one parent has…
It’s a New Year, Greensboro! Resolutions: The ABC’s of Goal Setting – Part 4 of 4
By Amy Setzer, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law GroupIf you’re on our blog, chances are you’re in one of the three stages of divorce: contemplating, in the process of, or finalized. Regardless, life probably feels like a never-ending rollercoaster. At a time when everything is spinning out of control, it’s natural to wonder how the heck you got…
Divorce vs. Culture and Religion—a Jewish Situation Gone Array
By Dana Horlick, Attorney, Woodruff Family Law GroupGetting married seems to be relatively simple, at least when compared to the process of obtaining a divorce. In North Carolina, for example, a civil divorce is typically granted on the basis of a one-year separation of the parties, where at least one party had the intent to remain separate…
It’s a New Year, Greensboro! Resolutions: The ABC’s of Goal Setting – Part 3 of 4
By Amy Setzer, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law GroupB is for BALANCE AND MODERATION “Balance is not something you find; it’s something you create.” –Jane Kingsford Divorce can have a funny way of consuming you, and it’s easy to get caught up in the New Year self-improvement frenzy. Avoid heaping resolutions to your already hefty “to-do” pile–you may…