
North Carolina Divorce Lawyers Blog


Alimony Arrearages and Federal Tax Consequences (Iglicki v. Comm’r)

Iglicki v. Comm’r, T.C. Memo. 2015-80, 2015 WL 1886010 (2015) (a)  Facts: A Maryland separation agreement required a husband to pay $735 per month in child support to a wife. If the husband defaulted on child support, he would immediately become liable for $1,000 per month in spousal support. Liability…


Spanking Standards in Child Custody in North Carolina

Dear Carolyn, I am a mother of girls ages six and ten. I am separated, and I have half custody. I work hard, and the girls sometimes create havoc. I spanked the six-year-old with a belt, just like my mother did me. My church belief is “spare the rod and…


Today’s Divorce Climate: The Ex-Spouse is a Spy

1.     Change your email address and password when you begin your family law case. Change your computer and cell phone, if possible. Electronic devices, computers, and cell phones can be serious “leaks” of information and strategy in your case. Email trespass is probably the leading “technology” problem in family law…


Critical Issues for Same-Sex Marriage in North Carolina

1.  What is the date of marriage?  Prior to October 2014, same-sex couples could not marry in North Carolina. But what date of marriage will North Carolina recognize if the same-sex couple was earlier married or entered into a civil union in some other state before October 2014?   The date…


Divisible Property in Equitable Distribution

North Carolina General Statutes Section 50-20(b) (4) defines divisible property. Divisible property covers certain values created post-separation. A husband that continued to work in a dental practice post-separation did not create active appreciation.   Husband did not change anything about his business methods to increase business. The growth between the date…


Guilford County Announces Domestic Violence Pilot Program

by Jon Csuka, Attorney, Woodruff Family Law Group

-News Release- Take note that Guilford County is participating in a pilot program with regard to the e-filing of 50-Bs/DVPO. We are the first county in the State to put these procedures into place. All 50-B complaints will be E-filed from the Family Justice Center located at 201 S. Greene…


Russian Diaries June 7, 2015: Arrival in Moscow

By: Carolyn Woodruff, JD, CPA, CVA

We have an uneventful Delta flight from Kennedy Airport leaving around 4:30 PM in New York (KJFK) to Moscow (KSVO) arriving around 9 AM. Dwight Ensley (my husband), Alosha and I are greeted at the Moscow Airport by Arina Demina, soon to be a Russian lawyer and to be our…

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