In Part 1, we discussed that proving cohabitation in North Carolina is not an easy task. There have been multiple North Carolina Court of Appeals cases where the dependent spouse and new flame had been dating for years, were blending finances, were vacationing together, and living together as much as…
Articles Posted in after divorce
Cohabitation and Alimony: What is Cohabitation? (Part 1 of 2)
If you are going through a separation and divorce in North Carolina, one topic that always arises is the dreaded “A” word: Alimony. No one wants to be responsible for supporting their soon to be ex-spouse, and if they are going to be responsible for that support, they want to…
What’s Mine and Yours is Not for the World
In 2017, communities exist both in the physical and virtual world. Whether you call a metropolis like Greensboro, or a small town such as Asheboro, home, there exist reasonable limits to the extent you will interact with certain individuals, the peer groups you will associate with, and how information will…
Choosing Childcare in the Triad
One thing that parents from all walks of life can commiserate over is the struggle to find child care. If you are a new parent, expecting your first child, new to the area, or just considering a change in care, there is a lot to consider when choosing a child…
It Only Takes a Moment: Visitation Ideas for Triad Dads
With Valentine’s Day around the corner, love is in the air and it is a great time to express it to those who you care about most. It is important that during this festive season that you remember that your children are the ones who need your love the most…
Planning for Retirement Post-Divorce
Carolyn Woodruff, a North Carolina CPA and Family Law Specialist, frequently is faced in sending a divorce client in the right direction after receiving a retirement plan in a divorce settlement. Here are her thoughts on the subject: The recipient may be receiving generally one or more of three…
Potluck and Netflix: Tips for a Triad Friendsgiving
By Sarah Andrew, Blog Writer, Woodruff Family Law GroupWhen I think of Friendsgiving, I think of my first attempt at baking pumpkin muffins. I remember my joy at having an excuse to try out my roommate’s fancy stand mixer, my panic at using so much butter at once, the brisk three-block walk to my friend’s apartment, in ill-advised…
Double Double Toil and Trouble: Celebrating a Second Halloween
By Sarah Andrew, Blog Writer, Woodruff Family Law GroupEveryone knows that the best thing about Halloween—besides the mountain of free candy—is the opportunity to transform, at least for the night, into a superhero or a Disney princess or a delightfully spooky creature. (Or, if your parents are at all like mine, into one-half of old-timey comedy duo Laurel…
You Want My Advice, Greensboro? Don’t Take Advice.
By: Diana Westrick, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law Group*This blog has practical wisdom and is not intended as legal advice. We have all been there: something upsetting, traumatizing, and devastating occurs, and we look to those around us for comfort and support. You know, someone who is willing to nod silently while we vent. Now, be honest, how…
Relocation in North Carolina: Ramirez-Barker v. Barker
What would happen if you would like to move with your child, and the move would affect the current child custody agreement? Of if the other parent wants to move out of state? It is important in either of these situations to speak to a qualified North Carolina custody attorney. At…