
Articles Posted in case analysis


It takes Two to Tango…..but Maybe it Shouldn’t (Belot v. Comm’r)

Belot v. Comm’r, T.C. Memo. 2016-113, 2016 WL 3248031 (2016) Facts: During their marriage, the parties operated a dance studio. The business consisted of an S corporation which was the actual studio, an LLC which operated a boutique selling dance clothing, and another LLC which owned the real estate on…


When Death is not the end, the IRS steps in: Part 2 of 2

Anderson v. Comm’r, T.C. Memo. 2016-47, 2016 WL 976816 (2016) Facts: An Alabama court entered a pretrial order in a divorce case, requiring both parties to “[m]aintain status quo as to payment of house note or rent, utilities, food, necessities, fixed credit obligations, ” 2016 WL 976816, at *1. After…


When Death is not the end, the IRS steps in: Part 1 of 2

Wolens v. United States, 125 Fed. Cl. 422 (2016) Facts: The parties married in New York, but divorced in England. Their English divorce decree provided for a large initial payment to be made by the husband to the wife, followed by annual payments of £441,667 in 2007, 2008, and 2009.…


Rights of Same-Sex Parents in North Carolina – Heatzig v. Maclean

When a marriage breaks down, the question of child custody becomes inevitable. This can often be the most emotionally charged and even contentious part of a divorce. At the Woodruff Family Law Group, our compassionate and hard-working North Carolina child custody attorneys will let you know your rights as well as…


What is Legal Custody in North Carolina? Diehl v. Diehl, Hall v. Hall and Gentry v. Gentry

When the parents of minor children split up, they need to figure out how and if they will share custody of their children. North Carolina parents are free to agree upon any custody and visitation agreement they deem best for the family. If the parents decide on an agreement, they…


Relocation from North Carolina to Another State: Ramirez-Barker v. Barker

When parents decide to split up, it can be extremely difficult for the child to adjust to the change. When a parent decides to move to another state, the change can be even harder to deal with. At the Woodruff Family Law Group, our skilled North Carolina child custody attorneys…


The Taxpayer Who Cried Wolf (Hardin v. Comm’r)

Hardin v. Comm’r, T.C. Memo. 2016-141, 2016 WL 4006806 (2016) Facts: Husband and wife were married in During the marriage, the husband was partner in a law firm, and he also ran a sports management business. The wife was owner and president of a financial planning company. The husband was…


Substantial Change in Circumstances in North Carolina Child Custody Agreements – Pulliam v. Smith

If you have an existing child custody order that you want to change, the process can be quite complex. A North Carolina parent cannot just unilaterally change any type of child custody agreement. At the Woodruff Family Law Group, our seasoned family law lawyers can help you determine if your…


He Said, She Said: Admission of Hearsay Statements Regarding Child Sexual Abuse in Custody Cases: Part 12 of 12 Parts

By: Jennifer Crissman, Attorney, Woodruff Family Law Group

In the final installment of our twelve-part practical series for attorneys practicing in Guilford and surrounding counties, we will review the case of State v. Deanes. In our hypothetical situation from Part 1, there were multiple hearsay statements made by the children to various family members, social workers, medical practitioners…


He Said, She Said: Admission of Hearsay Statements Regarding Child Sexual Abuse in Custody Cases: Part 11 of 12 Parts

by Jennifer Crissman, Attorney, Woodruff Family Law Group

In this installment of our series for family law practitioners in Guilford and surrounding counties, we will discuss the case of State v. Burgess. In our hypothetical scenario, the two children made statements to their grandmother about the abuse by their uncle. Although the timing and circumstances surrounding the statements…

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