
Articles Posted in child custody


Which Parent Can Claim the Earned Income Credit for the Child?

For unmarried parents, deciding which parent claims the child on their taxes is a common discussion point around the beginning of each year. Some divorce decrees or custody orders include stipulations for which parent can claim the child, but this is not always the case. If you do not have…


Can North Carolina Custody Orders Include Self-Executing Modifications?

Self-executing modifications are provisions within a contract or order that amend the terms upon a specified event that may occur in the future. The legality of these provisions varies from state to state; some states have determined that self-executing modifications are typically illegal, and others have yet to make any…


When Does a Temporary Custody Order Become Permanent in North Carolina?

Courts in North Carolina often enter temporary orders on child custody because time is of the essence in such an important issue. These temporary orders must be followed until the court makes a final ruling, but temporary and permanent orders are handled differently in terms of requesting changes. Is returning…


Which Parent Gets Legal Custody in North Carolina?

Legal custody and physical custody are not the same thing. While both are brought up in North Carolina custody cases, they deal with two different aspects of parenting. Physical custody applies to the parent that has the child in their care. Essentially, the parent with whom a child lives most…


Can Courts Modify Custody Without a Request from Either Parent?

Parents and guardians who wish to change their child custody order typically must file a motion to modify. Additionally, the parent who files the motion, sometimes referred to as the moving party, must prove that there has been a substantial change in circumstances that impacts the child’s wellbeing. Can a…


Sole and Shared Physical Custody in North Carolina

North Carolina law states that custody of a child may be granted jointly to both parents or exclusively to one parent, but how is that decision made in custody cases? All North Carolina orders for custody must be based on what arrangement will promote the best interest and welfare of…


Can North Carolina Courts Refuse to Grant Visitation to a Non-Custodial Parent?

Parents have a protected right to care for their children in North Carolina, and that right affords them some significant protections when it comes to custody and visitation. For instance, third parties like grandparents can seek visitation and custody only in very limited circumstances. However, when parents are involved in…


Can Grandparents File for Custody and Visitation in North Carolina?

In custody and visitation cases, grandparents are considered third parties. North Carolina does not allow third parties to seek custody or visitation unless certain conditions are met. First, filing for visitation requires that the child’s family is not intact, which means there must be an ongoing issue like an open…


Can Consent Orders Control Jurisdiction in North Carolina Custody Cases?

Jurisdiction is the authority of a particular court to hear and rule on a case, and it is a crucial part of any court proceeding. There are multiple types of jurisdiction, such as territorial and subject matter. Territorial jurisdiction refers to a court’s ability to hear cases relating to a…


The UCCJEA and Temporary Emergency Jurisdiction in North Carolina

The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) is a uniform state law that has been enacted by the majority of states, including North Carolina. The UCCJEA establishes subject matter jurisdiction in child custody cases and indicates which court has the authority to decide on a custody issue. North…

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