
Articles Posted in children


He Said, She Said: Admission of Hearsay Statements Regarding Child Sexual Abuse in Custody Cases: Part 6 of 12 Parts

By: Jennifer Crissman, Attorney, Woodruff Family Law Group

In this part of our series we are reviewing a case that is unpublished, but extremely helpful for family law attorneys practicing in Guilford and surrounding counties presenting testimony by professionals from a Children’s Advocacy Center. For those who are not familiar with Children’s Advocacy Centers, these facilities are designed…


He Said, She Said: Admission of Hearsay Statements Regarding Child Sexual Abuse in Custody Cases: Part 5 of 12 Parts

By: Jennifer Crissman, Attorney, Woodruff Family Law Group

In Part 5 of our series, we look at admitting hearsay statements made to social workers. It is common in cases involving allegations of abuse that a social worker will be involved at some point, whether the social worker conducts the initial interview, or they are brought in after there…


He Said, She Said: Admission of Hearsay Statements Regarding Child Sexual Abuse in Custody Cases: Part 4 of 12 Parts

By: Jennifer Crissman, Attorney, Woodruff Family Law Group

The next case that family law practitioners in Guilford and surrounding counties will find beneficial in the admission of hearsay statements is the case of State v. Hinnant, 523 S.E2d 663, 351 N.C. 277 (2000). According to our fact pattern from Part 1 of our series, the children Aaron and…


He Said, She Said: Admission of Hearsay Statements Regarding Child Sexual Abuse in Custody Cases: Part 3 of 12 Parts

By: Jennifer Crissman, Attorney, Woodruff Family Law Group

As we discussed in Part 2 of our series, family law attorneys practicing in Guilford and surrounding counties have difficulty when trying to admit hearsay statements regarding alleged sexual abuse in custody cases. While there may be several ways to have these hearsay statements admitted, it is crucial the attorney…


He Said, She Said: Admission of Hearsay Statements Regarding Child Sexual Abuse in Custody Cases: Part 2 of 12 Parts

By: Jennifer A. Crissman, Attorney, Woodruff Family Law Group

In our fact pattern from Part 1 of our series, the first indication of child sexual abuse was in the statements Aaron and Billy made to Grandmother. Family law attorneys in Guilford County would be wise to try to have these statements admitted under the exception in Rule 803(4) on…


He Said, She Said: Admission of Hearsay Statements Regarding Child Sexual Abuse in Custody Cases: Part 1 of 12 Parts

By Jennifer A. Crissman, Attorney, Woodruff Family Law Group

When attorneys in Guilford County try custody cases in which there have been allegations of child sexual abuse, it is vital that statements made by the child regarding the abuse be admitted into evidence. These statements regarding abuse can be critical in determining the best interests of the child, as…


Relocation in North Carolina: Ramirez-Barker v. Barker

What would happen if you would like to move with your child, and the move would affect the current child custody agreement? Of if the other parent wants to move out of state? It is important in either of these situations to speak to a qualified North Carolina custody attorney. At…


Teenage Summertime Reading

By Kristina Pisano, Blog Writer, Woodruff Family Law Group

I know, the last thing your teenager wants to do this summer is read. But, if you get creative with it, you might be able to get them to read a few books this summer. My 15 year old niece helped me with some of my summertime reading research, so most of…


Plan now for a fun summer in the Triad!

By Kristina Pisano, Blog Writer, Woodruff Family Law Group

The kids are starting to get antsy. All the final tests in school are coming to an end, and they have checked out for the year. You know what will be coming next: summer break! Last summer your kids always complained that they were bored, or they spent way too…


May 17th, 2011…a day that we can’t forget.

By Tina Ray, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law Group

It’s the telephone call that you hope you never get. “Get to the hospital now!  There’s been a terrible accident!”  May 17th, 2011, was the day that happened.  You go into panic mode.  Your heart starts racing, your thoughts are jumbled.  You have to remember how to drive, how to…

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