
Articles Posted in children


Graduation Do’s and Don’ts

By Kristina Pisano, Blog Writer, Woodruff Family Law Group

On Thursday, May 5, I graduate from the University of North Carolina Greensboro! I am so excited and can’t wait for my close friends and family to watch as I finally get my bachelor’s degree. In the midst of all the graduation excitement, a friend of mine who is also…


Emergency Custody in North Carolina: The Real Scoop

by Carolyn J. Woodruff, JD, CPA, CVA, North Carolina Family Law Specialist

Emergency Custody in North Carolina is a tough topic. Under North Carolina law, there are really two times that the court can consider switching custody on an ex parte (hearing from one side only).  These two times are (1) the child is at risk for substantial bodily injury, or (2)…


Digital Babysitting: Put Down the IPAD!

By Tina Ray, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law Group

“Mom, can I have the iPad?” “Dad, can I play on your phone?”  How many times a day do you hear that?  If you have kids, you’ve probably heard those exact words.  My grandson loves to come home with me.  Why? To play games on my phone. As you can…


Change is a four letter word!

By Tina Ray, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law Group

Change is a four-letter word. Actually, we all know it’s six letters, but to some, it sometimes has the connotation as some of the more well-known four letter words that some of us use daily.  One of the definitions from is: “to make a material difference so that the…


Treat Yourself This Valentine’s Day

By Diana Westrick, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law Group

Listen up, Greensboro! Single does not have to equal lonely. In fact, it is the time that we update our definitions and expectations to what being single truly signifies: independence, opportunity, and a bounty of love available to share.  While the upcoming “love holiday” can often remind us of what…


The Danger of Unanticipated Consequences: Trying to Plan for Child Custody—For the Greensboro Gossip Girl Fans, an International Hague Issue

By Dana Horlick, Attorney, Woodruff Family Law Group

Most separated couples probably do not think about complex jurisdictional issues when they are deciding child custody issues. Maybe the schedule is one week on, one week off, with the parents alternating weeks wherein they have sole physical custody of the child for a particular week. Maybe one parent has…


Paper Angel: A Holiday Lesson on Bullying

By Carolyn Woodruff, JD, CPA, CVA

My husband Dwight prides himself on liking sappy Christmas movies, and he rents a lot of them. Ho-hum, I thought, but I was pleasantly surprised by the many social messages in Paper Angel.  The movie starts with Mom (Lynn Brandt) moving far away from Dad with her two children—Sara and…


Part II: Holiday Survival Tips for Divorced Parents

Holiday Survival Tips for Divorced Parents Part II: Holiday Don’ts      by Carolyn Woodruff I know you may hate your ex, but let’s not take it out on the kids, especially at the holidays.   I hope by the way you do not hate your ex, but if you aren’t over him…


Holiday Survival Tips for Divorced Parents: Part 1

Holiday Survival Tips for Divorced Parents Part I: Holiday Do’s by Carolyn Woodruff Holidays are stressful enough without adding the woes of children with parents who live under two roofs. The agony extends to grandparents and extended families who want time with precious children. Woodruff Family Law Group through its…

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