
Articles Posted in divorce attorney


Lady Gaga’s Stolen Dogs

You have probably heard the recent story of the theft of Lady Gaga’s French bulldogs and the shooting of her dog walker. If you have not, on February 24, 2021, around 9:40 p.m., Lady Gaga’s dog walker, Ryan Fischer, was accosted and shot, and two of her three French bulldogs…


Civil War Scout, Spy, Nurse, Suffragist, Civil Rights Activist Harriet Tubman

By: John Davis, NCCP

It would be a challenge to identify a person in American history with more strength of character than Harriet Tubman. She was born into slavery, enduring its horrors and privations, and escaped to lead dozens of other enslaved persons to their freedom. She lived most of her life with a…


Homemaker Contributions and Their Alimony Value

In North Carolina, we see cases where one spouse is primarily a breadwinner for the family, often bringing in most if not all of the income. In those case, the other spouse is the homemaker, the one that cares for the children and/or pets and maintains the home. And when…


Sandra Day O’Connor – Practicality First

As part of Women’s History Month, I would like to revisit the Supreme Court’s first woman Justice: Sandra Day O’Connor. She is so much more than the historical trivia note to which she is often reduced. Educated at Stanford and appointed to the Court by then President Reagan, she served…


Parental Kidnapping

North Carolina General Statute § 14-39 defines kidnapping as the unlawful confining, restraining, or removing from one place to another, anyone 16 years of age or older without their consent and holding them for ransom, in furtherance of or fleeing a felony, causing serious bodily harm or terrorizing or holding…


Alimony – Who Is Dependent, Who Is Supporting?

Madar v. Madar, No.COA20-28 (Dec. 2020). In North Carolina, alimony is a type of spousal support that provides for the maintenance of a dependent spouse, by the supporting spouse. Dependent and supporting are legal terms, with incredible significance. In order to receive alimony, one must be a dependent spouse, the…


Relocation and Child Custody Modification

Bradley v. Bradley, No. COA20-48 (unpublished)   Plaintiff and Defendant married on May 20, 2006 and divorced on July 15, 2015.  The parties had one daughter born March 7, 2011.  The parties’ daughter was three years old when the original custody order was entered.  Defendant filed a motion to modify…


Arbitration and Vacating Awards

Gribble v. Medcat Enters., (No. COA19-1092) (unpublished) In North Carolina, some issues can be settled with a pre- or post-marital agreement. This is a contract. In such contracts, spouses can agree to certain terms and conditions, as well as insert an Arbitration Clause. There are certain advantages to arbitration, such…


Delay of Entry of Order is Error

Wall v. Wall, 140 N.C. App. 303 (2000). Former spouses in North Carolina can split their property in an action for Equitable Distribution (ED). In order for the Court to make a decision on distributing property, it needs an inventory affidavit of all property owned as a product of the…


Divorce and the Family Pet

Dogs are a large part of many families. But what happens with the family pet when you are separating or seeking a divorce? Although many consider pets family, North Carolina considers pets as property. Like all other property, they could be subject to equitable distribution. North Carolina is an equitable…

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