The US Constitution’s Full Faith and Credit Clause[1] requires states to honor certain orders from other states, including divorces, child custody, and spousal support. However, not every family law matter is straightforward, and moving to North Carolina from out-of-state may present some challenges and unexpected changes. North Carolina and Divorce…
Articles Posted in Equitable Distribution
Equitable Distribution and Date of Separation
Salvadore v. Salvadore, 2021-NCCOA-680 (2021 unpublished) Facts: Wife and Husband married in 1989. During their marriage, Husband would frequently change his job. Husband had a peculiar habit every time he changed jobs that required relocation to another state. He would stay in hotels and campgrounds in the new state while…
Equitable Distribution: When is Equal not Equitable?
Either party in a divorce can request equitable distribution, but that request must be made before the divorce is final.[1] Equitable distribution is the process in which the court determines how best to divide the spouses’ assets and debts, specifically their marital property and divisible property.[2] This is often a…
Complexities of Equitable Distribution in North Carolina Divorce
Equitable distribution cases involving high-net-worth parties and spouses with significant assets require careful consideration to classify, valuate, and distribute property. Each piece of property must be classified as marital, separate, or divisible as a first step in equitable distribution. Determining which category each asset belongs to can be a lengthy…
Debt and Equitable Distribution in North Carolina
Property division can be one of the most contentious parts of a divorce. Further complicating this process is the fact that courts must determine not just how marital property should be divided but even what qualifies as marital property. Equitable distribution is an option in North Carolina divorces, but the…
How is Alimony Determined in North Carolina?
Divorce is often an emotionally and financially draining experience. For spouses who spent all or part of their marriage economically dependent on their wife or husband, the monetary toll is unlikely to end after the divorce is finalized. Alimony is intended to lessen this financial impact and allow each spouse…
Equitable Distribution and Statutes of Limitation
READ V. READ, 2023-NCCOA-______ (2023) Imagine that you and your wife separate from each other. It is now 15 years later. While you have both moved forward in life, neither of you filed for divorce. You are still married. One day you get a notice in the mail. There was…
Worker’s Compensation and Equitable Distribution
FOSTER V. FOSTER, 2023-NCCOA-______ (2023) Facts: Plaintiff and Defendant married in 2014 and separated at the end of 2019. Plaintiff filed for custody and equitable distribution (ED). Defendant counterclaimed. A trial on ED was held in February and March of 2022. There, the trial court entered a judgment with a…
Division of Marital Property
When it comes to the division of marital property, one question we are commonly asked is what happens if the value of an asset, such as a home, increases during the pendency of the case? In North Carolina, there is a specific provision of the law addressing this exact scenario:…
An Odd Development in Divorce
Achraf Hakimi is an unknown name to most Americans. However, in Europe and most of the world, he is famous as the starting right back for Paris Saint-Germain, one of the most famous soccer teams in the world, and he represented his home country, Morocco, in the latest World Cup.…