
Articles Posted in family law specialist


Divorce and Verifications

Before filing a complaint for absolute divorce, your attorney will request that you sign a Verification stating that all the claims and allegations contained in the complaint are accurate and true. This is not just to ensure that there is accuracy in the pleadings and that there are no mistakes.…


The Stars Were Misaligned: Johnny Depp and Amber Heard

Today is April 11th and Johnny Depp’s defamation trial against ex-wife Amber Heard has begun in Fairfax, Virginia.  You can watch it here.  The pair met in 2011 during production of The Rum Diary and married in 2015.  In May 2016, the pair split when Heard filed for a domestic…


Protective Orders in Same-Sex Dating Relationships

Samantha S. Erks, JD Same-sex dating relationships are just like opposite-sex relationships in many respects: meeting, dating, and, hopefully, moving on to something deeper. Sometimes, however, just like in opposite sex relationships, same-sex relationships eventually do not work out. And sometimes, same-sex relationships REALLY do not work out and, just…


Ins and Outs of Healthy Relationships, Part 3

Amy Setzer, Legal Assistant For those dealing with a family law matter, whether it’s battling your ex for custody or severing ties with a divorce, Couples Appreciation Month probably doesn’t have you doing cartwheels through downtown. But if you’ve been keeping up with our series on developing healthy relationships, you…


Ins and Outs of Healthy Relationships, Part 2

Amy Setzer, Legal Assistant If you read the previous blog, you know April is Couples Appreciation Month.  Those of you going through a divorce probably don’t find this fact something to celebrate. Here at Woodruff Family Law Group, we work hard not only to help our clients get through their…


Ins and Outs of Healthy Relationships, Part 1

Amy Setzer, Legal Assistant                 April is Couples Appreciation Month and in honor of the occasion we’ll be posting a series of blogs on what to do (or not) when it comes to healthy relationships.  If you’re down in the dumps about your recent divorce, don’t fret.  While these tips…


Family Law: Doing It Fast or Doing It Right

Wayne Hopper, Legal Assistant When an issue is winding its way through the court system, you may feel as if time stands still. Family law cases can be especially trying due to the emotions they elicit and the time it takes to see them through to the end. Family law…


Stipulations of Fact and of Settlement

Maddukuri v. Chintanippu, 2022-NCCOA-128 (1 March 2022) Stipulations are often used to expedite portions of a case/trial so that there is no time wasted on them, allowing the court to focus on the issues that are actually in contention. The use of stipulations of fact is pretty common. It removes…


Harassment and Domestic Violence Protective Orders

Walker-Snyder v. Snyder, 2022-NCCOA-97 (2022) In North Carolina, domestic violence is not always caused by a physical act. Under the 50B statutes, actions that meet the definition of stalking can also result in the granting of a domestic violence protective order, even though the court must find that an “act”…


Gender Identity and Government IDs

Helpful Information on How to Update Gender Identity on Government-Issued IDs

A person’s gender identity is defined as their innate sense of belonging to a particular gender. It specifically differs from the gender assigned at birth, which is based on the presence of external genitalia. Gender identify is something that develops biologically along with the body and mind. Accordingly, a transgender…

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