Articles Posted in Divorce Recovery

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By Diana Westrick, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law Group

We all know those people.  You know, the ones who seem to have everything fall into their lap; no obstacles or signs of struggle in sight.  We all hate those people, simply because, if we’re honest, we know we want to be them.  Just imagine this scenario: you’re a new divorcee, but to others, you are a strong individual who seemed to breeze through the drama of a failing marriage and came out unscathed.  Or how about this, despite losing half of your assets to your ex, you exude an aura of power and confidence, like you “obviously” came out with the better deal.  Nothing can touch you, you always live where the grass is greener, and you are simply lucky. Continue reading →

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By Amy Setzer, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law Group

Domestic violence doesn’t end when a victim gets “out,” it just switches tactics. The final participant in our Communication Challenge knows that better than anyone.  Day in and day out, their own demons trick them into repeating the battle they’ve already won—only difference is, this time, it’s not in person. Continue reading →

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By Amy Setzer, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law Group

Divorce is never one person’s fault—it takes two to break up and I think most of us know that. But ask the next contender in our communication series, and they’ll sing a different tune.  Ladies and gentlemen of the Triad, meet our third contestant (click here for contestants one and two)… Continue reading →

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by Carolyn J. Woodruff, JD, CPA, CVA, North Carolina Family Law Specialist


With the dash of nomadic color and custom costumes from leading Hollywood design company, Lenique,  my dance partner, Alosha Anatoliy and I will take the stage in New York City this coming weekend.  Lena Kosovich, owner of Lenique, is a costume designer extraordinaire—herself having been a world champion show dancer,  a pro on Dancing with the Stars, and a costume designer for the hit show Dancing with the Stars.  “Working with Carolyn and Alosha to create the colorful, ‘boho’ costumes for their dance was the ultimate in a creative experience,”  says Lena.  Continue reading →

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By Amy Setzer, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law Group

Divorce happens for many different reasons, but here’s one universal fact—the sooner you learn to effectively converse with the other half of your crumbling marriage, the better off you’ll be.  Last blog’s communication culprit was The Victim.  This blog we feature their Creator. Continue reading →

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By Amy Setzer, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law Group

One of the trickiest things about divorce is learning how to communicate with your ex. It’s easy to slip into old habits, talk too much, and over-complicate things.  Shorter is sweeter my friends—unnecessary interactions stem from emotions caused by your split.  Entertaining them only drags out the recovery process.  Below are the perpetrators who commit these heinous communication crimes, and, in turn, add undue stress and heartache to their lives.  We’ve provided some suggestions (and okay, Greensboro, they might not be exactly ten words) to make conversation with the one you used to love healthy and productive. Still…if you see yourself in any of these scenarios, you may need to seek treatment. Continue reading →

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By Amy Setzer, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law Group

It’s springtime in the Triad! The season of new blossoms, warming weather and parting clouds has inspired me to talk to you about how important staying positive really is.  Whether you’re writing your separation agreement or mediating custody, anything that irreparably changes your personal life is mentally and emotionally taxing.   It’s hard to keep that chin up when there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. Continue reading →

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By Tina Ray, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law Group

Change is a four-letter word. Actually, we all know it’s six letters, but to some, it sometimes has the connotation as some of the more well-known four letter words that some of us use daily.  One of the definitions from is: “to make a material difference so that the thing is distinctly different from what it was.” All families go through change, both good and bad.  How one copes with that four-letter word can mean the difference between surviving, or barely hanging on.  You are responsible for how your children learn to handle change.  You set the example.  Make the difference.  Your children learn by example, so make that learning experience positive. Continue reading →

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By Amy Setzer, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law Group

Spending Valentine’s Day as a new member of the Triad Singles Guild could be more traumatic than your divorce–if you let it.  Friends plan gushy evenings at Christopher B’s. Flowers appear on desks at work.  The children’s tiny, perforated Minion cards taunt you from their WalMart bag.  To top it all off, Hallmark has once again left no Walgreens untouched—their lovey-dovey hearts and candy are delicate lace reminders of how you failed at love.  The pressure to be part of a pair is everywhere. Do not give in! Continue reading →

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By Diana Westrick, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law Group

Listen up, Greensboro! Single does not have to equal lonely. In fact, it is the time that we update our definitions and expectations to what being single truly signifies: independence, opportunity, and a bounty of love available to share.  While the upcoming “love holiday” can often remind us of what past relationships are missing, or what current relationships are lacking, Valentine’s Day can also provide an opportunity to acknowledge the value of those relations often overlooked; connections that can hold much more value than those of the romantic-sort.

Read on for a listing of Valentine’s events to share with your other, significant others. Continue reading →