Articles Posted in LawyerVille

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Mediation is a fantastic alternative method of settling your case and often more satisfying than going to court.  It is likely that a few issues stand between settlement and more prolonged litigation. This is where mediation can really shine—it lets you laser focus on the few things you really care about. A mediator must be a neutral third party that also happens to be an expert in family law, or a former judge that has decided many family law cases. In all court-ordered mediations, there are rules. In North Carolina, some new rules have been passed and can be found in NCGS § 7A-38.4A. This is a quick reference for how some of those rules will apply to your mediation.

Who can be a mediator for Family Financial Mediation?

The mediator must be certified. A list of certified mediators is published and updated at the NC Courts website. To be certified, the mediator must have an understanding of family law in North Carolina. There is also a laundry list of qualifications, classes, and educational requirements. These requirements can be found in Rule 8 of the Rules for Settlement Procedures in District Court Family Financial Cases. To be blunt, your mediator is highly qualified in the area of family law. Continue reading →

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Clark v. Clark and Barrett, 2021-NCCOA-653 (2021)

  • Facts: A married couple, the Clarks, lived in North Carolina. In 2016, Husband began an affair with Ms. Barrett, in Virginia. That same year while home in North Carolina, Wife discovered text messages between Husband and Barrett. The couple argued and Wife ultimately had to be hospitalized due to the stress. More texts and explicit photographs were discovered on Husband’s phone a few months later. The photos were clearly taken in the Clark home. In September 2016, Husband finally left the marital home after Wife threatened to call Barrett and ask about the affair. In January 2017, Husband and Wife acquired some land in which to build a house. A few months later the couple executed a separation agreement. Husband and Wife at one point in 2017 reconciled and resumed an intimate relationship. However, during this time, Husband was still carrying on an intimate relationship with Barrett. That relationship went as far as conceiving a child with Barrett via in vitro fertilization. Wife filed an Alienation of Affection lawsuit against Barrett. Barrett was held liable, and she appealed.

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In a previous post, we discussed the basics and legal implications of smart contracts built upon blockchain technologies. These smart contracts are one of the highly touted tools that are set to streamline business. The recent law that formed regulatory sandboxes to promote innovative fintech (financial technology) products portends this State’s promotion of such tools as smart contracts. It is an interesting time to be in the fintech space. Continue reading →

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For those readers that are tech savvy and keep up to date with financial developments, the buzzwords cryptocurrency, bitcoin, and blockchain should immediately ring a bell. Another development called smart contracts should also be on your radar. Essentially built upon blockchain and distributed ledger technologies, these smart contracts are one of the highly touted tools that are set to streamline transactions in a pseudo-contractual space. Continue reading →

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North Carolina recently enacted a new law that formed a regulatory sandbox for financial and insurance technologies (often termed Fintech and Insuretech). It also commissioned the formation of an “Innovation Council” that serves to receive and approve applications for “entry” into the so-called sandbox. This new law will be codified in NCGS § 169. Continue reading →

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November is National Inspirational Role Models Month. I’d like to take a moment to praise one of my role models that guided me throughout law school and practice. Professor Shaw was my first year civil procedure professor. Civil procedure was the first ever law school class I attended. Before I go on, I should say that civil procedure is perhaps one of the worst classes to take first—it is filled with terminology that in retrospect, was not easy to understand coming from a non-legal background. Continue reading →

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On October 13, 2021, the North Carolina Supreme Court adopted amendments to the Rules of Appellate Procedure. These changes will be in effect for appeals taken on or after January 1, 2022. A few of these amendments were directly caused by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, and some were accelerated by it. Below are some major changes that will take effect. Continue reading →

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In case you have not heard, deepfake videos are multiplying online. “Deepfake” is a term coined in late 2017 by a Reddit user of the same name.  With origins in pornography, the use of deepfakes has transcended well beyond the explicit. A deepfake generally refers to media manipulation where a person in an image or video is swapped with another person’s likeness. A more recent deepfake depicts Belgium’s prime minister linking the coronavirus pandemic to climate change during a manipulated recorded speech. Although some deepfakes are created for parody and entertainment, others are not. Creation of deepfakes has also led to bullying, harassment, and other criminal offenses. Continue reading →

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The Rules of Civil Procedure often have a few points where a case can end. They are there to make sure that all parties to the case are proceeding fairly, timely, and efficiently. Over time, these stopping points have begun to evolve as more and more litigants are utilizing them to “win” cases. One such rule is Rule 41(b). Rule 41 is about dismissal of actions. Part (a) is about voluntary dismissals by the plaintiff or by order of the judge. These voluntary dismissals are typically without prejudice, meaning that the plaintiff may file a lawsuit again, usually within a year. Part (b) is about involuntary dismissals. Typically, a defendant would file a motion to dismiss a case or claim based upon Rule 41(b). The grounds for dismissal under this Rule are failure of the plaintiff to prosecute or to comply with these rules or any order of court. Distinct case law has fleshed out the operation of the Rule, and what is required to be shown unto the court in order to have a Rule 41 motion to dismiss granted. Continue reading →

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Stewart v. Shipley, 825 S.E.2d 684, 264 N.C.App. 241 (N.C. App. 2019)

You might imagine your civil court case as a game. All games have rules, and the handbook that tells you how to play the game is the Rules of Civil Procedure. And you can’t break the rules without consequences. The rules exist in a game to make things fair and efficient and ordinary. In this way, the Rules of Civil Procedure promotes fairness, efficiency, and order. Below is a case that talks about one of those rules. Continue reading →