Articles Tagged with about law

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March is Women’s History Month, a time to celebrate the achievements of the countless women who have shaped the course of history.  In the legal world, the Supreme Court is the pinnacle of the judiciary, and the six women who have served as Supreme Court Justices have played a major part in the Court’s evolution.  As we celebrate Women’s History Month, let’s take a moment to honor their legacies and celebrate their invaluable contributions to the Court. Continue reading →

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For unmarried parents, deciding which parent claims the child on their taxes is a common discussion point around the beginning of each year. Some divorce decrees or custody orders include stipulations for which parent can claim the child, but this is not always the case. If you do not have a court-ordered agreement, determining who qualifies for the earned income tax credit is crucial to ensure compliance with federal law. Continue reading →

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After you file a divorce complaint in North Carolina, you must serve your spouse with the complaint and the summons. There are somewhat complex requirements for how a spouse must be served with these legal documents. You cannot hand the divorce complaint and summons to your spouse personally; with limited exceptions, you must use one of the following methods:

  • Service by the sheriff’s department
  • Service by a private process server
  • Certified or registered mail with return receipt requested

If mailing the complaint and summons, you may use the United States Postal Service, UPS, or FedEx. You must file proof of service with the court to show your spouse received the documents. Continue reading →

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North Carolina domestic violence charges can be filed against someone who has used or tried to use physical force against someone they have or have had a close personal relationship with. Not every relationship is included in General Statute Section 14-32.5, but charges can be filed if the abuser is one of the following:

  • A current or former spouse, guardian, or parent of the victim
  • A parent to a child shared by the victim
  • Someone who has or is cohabiting with the victim as a spouse, guardian, or parent
  • Someone currently or previously in a dating relationship with the victim

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North Carolina’s domestic violence law has undergone changes in recent years, expanding the types of qualifying relationships and the list of people who can be charged. Previously, the law limited domestic violence charges in relationships to a man who assaulted his female partner. If a woman was found guilty of a similar act of violence, she would likely face simple assault charges, which often carried lesser penalties. The state’s updated legislation encompasses broader definitions of who can be charged with domestic violence. Continue reading →

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Spouses going through the divorce process should not necessarily assume that the facts will speak for themselves or that they don’t need to take an active role in their divorce proceedings. Important matters are discussed at each hearing; every document the court asks for is vital to the case; and parties will not always get another chance to make their arguments. Continue reading →

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Spouses going through divorce proceedings in North Carolina may eventually have the option to file an appeal of a final order, but appealing a decision is not as easy as filing one or two documents. There are extensive requirements, and while some are relatively simple, like the requirement that the appeal be filed within 30 days, others, like the appellate court’s record, require strategic planning. Continue reading →

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Self-executing modifications are provisions within a contract or order that amend the terms upon a specified event that may occur in the future. The legality of these provisions varies from state to state; some states have determined that self-executing modifications are typically illegal, and others have yet to make any clear or definitive decisions about the legality of such terms.

The North Carolina Court of Appeals case of Madison v. Gonzalez-Madison involved a self-executing modification in a custody order, and the appellate court’s ruling provided clarification on North Carolina’s laws regarding this issue. Continue reading →

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Courts in North Carolina often enter temporary orders on child custody because time is of the essence in such an important issue. These temporary orders must be followed until the court makes a final ruling, but temporary and permanent orders are handled differently in terms of requesting changes. Is returning to court for a final ruling the only way for an order to become permanent? Continue reading →

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Federal law prohibits someone who has a domestic violence restraining order filed against them from possessing a firearm if that restraining order includes a finding that they present a credible threat to the physical safety of an intimate partner or their child. The case of United States v. Rahimi explored whether such a provision can be enforced without violating an individual’s Second Amendment right. Continue reading →