Articles Tagged with divorce recovery

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One thing that parents from all walks of life can commiserate over is the struggle to find child care. If you are a new parent, expecting your first child, new to the area, or just considering a change in care, there is a lot to consider when choosing a child care provider. There are several crucial criteria to keep in mind when searching for a daycare or preschool: curriculum, ratings, and your gut. Continue reading →

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By Sarah Andrew, Blog Writer, Woodruff Family Law Group

When I think of Friendsgiving, I think of my first attempt at baking pumpkin muffins. I remember my joy at having an excuse to try out my roommate’s fancy stand mixer, my panic at using so much butter at once, the brisk three-block walk to my friend’s apartment, in ill-advised boots, with the warm bowl nestled between my gloves. Steam rising from homemade food is such a cozy thing, even when you’re not jaunting about in the cold. Continue reading →

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By: Diana Westrick, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law Group

*This blog has practical wisdom and is not intended as legal advice.

We have all been there: something upsetting, traumatizing, and devastating occurs, and we look to those around us for comfort and support.  You know, someone who is willing to nod silently while we vent.  Now, be honest, how often does that actually happen?  The art of “listening” seems foreign to most people, despite their best intentions.  Instead, you get advice. Continue reading →

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By Amy Setzer, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law Group

When you become newly divorced, a funny thing happens: everyone in Greensboro gets in line to provide (mostly unsolicited and sometimes contradictory) advice on how to move on with your life. It’s a remarkable phenomenon, indeed; all of a sudden you’re surrounded by expert attorneys and therapists. However well-meaning those folks may be, there’s something none of them can help you recover, and that’s your ability to trust. Continue reading →

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By: Diana Westrick, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law Group

Ok, you get to choose which unofficial holiday you celebrate in the month of June: Old Maid’s Day or National Hug your Cat Day.  For those that have pet allergies, neither of these options may seem too exciting.  However, try to consider the underlying point of which I’m trying to reach: you may be single, but you do not have to be alone.  Pets are a wonderful option for those overcoming the life change of a separation, divorce, or shared custody.  Not only are these fuzzy beings willing to offer unconditional love, despite your marital status, but they may offer you the comfort and affection that may be void, but intently needed. Continue reading →

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By Kristina Pisano, Blog Writer, Woodruff Family Law Group

I know it is a bit strange, a divorce party? They are currently trending in popularity, but think about it. Different major events in your life, graduations, birthday, weddings, and retirements are all celebrated. If you went through a messy divorce, wouldn’t you want a chance to celebrate surviving and coming out a better person? Continue reading →

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By Diana Westrick, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law Group

Have you ever noticed that what you are thinking does not always translate into what you are trying to communicate? Let’s refer back to those people from Part 1: Despite the most complicated, high-stress situations, they somehow manage to get their point across in the most concise manner possible.  Is it luck?  Do they have a background in intensive conflict resolution?  Maybe, but not likely.  Having a basic understanding of the four types of communication styles can help you determine where your communication typically lies, why it may not be working for you, and how to communicate most effectively. Continue reading →

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By Kristina Pisano, Blog Writer, Woodruff Family Law Group

The flowers are blooming, the sun is shining, and a warm breeze is telling you it is that time of year again…wedding season! You have been getting happy couples pictures asking you to “Save-the-date” for their special day since January 2. Bridal shower invites are rolling in on your email and Facebook event list, and you just can’t keep up with all the registries, bows and what color towels the happy couple prefers. It gets worse when the official wedding invitation comes, and you have to RSVP that it is just you, arriving solo. How depressing? Wedding season is tricky after a divorce. You want to be happy for your friend who found their soul mate, but how can you survive the wedding season without the feeling that you somehow failed at married life? These tips can hopefully give you advice on how to survive the season of wedded bliss. Continue reading →

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By Diana Westrick, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law Group

We all know those people.  You know, the ones who seem to have everything fall into their lap; no obstacles or signs of struggle in sight.  We all hate those people, simply because, if we’re honest, we know we want to be them.  Just imagine this scenario: you’re a new divorcee, but to others, you are a strong individual who seemed to breeze through the drama of a failing marriage and came out unscathed.  Or how about this, despite losing half of your assets to your ex, you exude an aura of power and confidence, like you “obviously” came out with the better deal.  Nothing can touch you, you always live where the grass is greener, and you are simply lucky. Continue reading →

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By Amy Setzer, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law Group

Domestic violence doesn’t end when a victim gets “out,” it just switches tactics. The final participant in our Communication Challenge knows that better than anyone.  Day in and day out, their own demons trick them into repeating the battle they’ve already won—only difference is, this time, it’s not in person. Continue reading →