Articles Tagged with domestic violence

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By: Dana M. Horlick, Attorney, Woodruff Family Law Group

Sapp v. Comm’r, T.C. Memo. 2015-143, 2015 WL 4639260 (2015)

(a) Facts: The IRS assessed deficiencies on a husband and wife’s joint income tax returns for 2004, 2006, and 2008. The parties appealed to the Tax Court, and the wife sought both mandatory and discretionary innocent spouse relief. The IRS conceded that relief was appropriate, but the husband argued otherwise. Continue reading →

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By: Dana M. Horlick, Attorney, Woodruff Family Law Group

Agudelo v. Comm’r, T.C. Memo. 2015-124, 2015 WL 4086310 (2015)

(a) Facts: A husband and wife filed a joint tax return for tax year 2010. The return did not report as income certain unemployment benefits received by the husband. The IRS discovered this fact and assessed a deficiency. Continue reading →

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By: Dana M. Horlick, Attorney, Woodruff Family Law Group

Palomoares v. Comm’r, T.C. Memo. 2014-243, 2014 WL 6778542 (2014)

(a) Facts: A husband and wife lived in Washington State. The wife was not fluent in English and mostly spoke Spanish.

The parties separated in 2005, and the wife filed sole tax returns for 2006 and 2007, claiming refunds. The IRS rejected the wife’s claims, as it seized the amount of her refunds to satisfy unpaid tax liability from the parties’ joint 1996 tax return. Continue reading →

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Dear Carolyn,

My ex is posting all kinds of things about me on Facebook. She calls me names like bastard, devil, asshole, and you name it. She doesn’t even have privacy settings on her Facebook, so I fear that my (our) children who are ages 13 and 15 may somehow get access. She also said: “I hope to run my ex over with my car next time he comes for the children,” which I take as a threat. Can I stop this? I am filing a case for custody.

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Dear Carolyn,

I am a mother of girls ages six and ten. I am separated, and I have half custody. I work hard, and the girls sometimes create havoc. I spanked the six-year-old with a belt, just like my mother did me. My church belief is “spare the rod and spoil the child.” Child Protective Services showed up at my house to investigate. Should I be concerned?



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by Jon Csuka, Attorney, Woodruff Family Law Group

-News Release-

Take note that Guilford County is participating in a pilot program with regard to the e-filing of 50-Bs/DVPO. We are the first county in the State to put these procedures into place.

All 50-B complaints will be E-filed from the Family Justice Center located at 201 S. Greene St., 2nd Floor, Greensboro, NC 27401, (336) 641-SAFE (7233). I was able to go to the FJC for the grand opening. If you have an opportunity to go over and get a tour it would be a good thing – it will be a tremendous resource for victims of domestic violence. It is located directly across the large courtyard in front of the main entrance of the Courthouse on Greene Street.

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by Carolyn J. Woodruff, JD, CPA, CVA

This article is part 2 of a 4 part series on Innocent Spouse basics.  Be sure to read all four parts.  Also, check this blog regularly for new information on innocent spouse law, as I will write about it frequently.  I’ll keep you posted of new cases and developments from the IRS.

So, if you are in Asheboro or Reidsville, or wherever, this four part article should answer your questions about innocent spouse tax law and how it might affect your North Carolina divorce.

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