Treat Yourself This Valentine’s Day
By Diana Westrick, Legal Assistant, Woodruff Family Law GroupListen up, Greensboro! Single does not have to equal lonely. In fact, it is the time that we update our definitions and expectations to what being single truly signifies: independence, opportunity, and a bounty of love available to share. While the upcoming “love holiday” can often remind us of what past relationships are missing, or what current relationships are lacking, Valentine’s Day can also provide an opportunity to acknowledge the value of those relations often overlooked; connections that can hold much more value than those of the romantic-sort.
Read on for a listing of Valentine’s events to share with your other, significant others.
Yeah, I know. Hanging out with your children during the year’s most romantic holiday may not seem like the most appealing option. However, unconditional love is never presented any clearer than between a parent and their child. Also, consider this, do you want your child to grow up thinking there’s something wrong with being single on Valentine’s Day? Like they’re inferior to those in romantic relationships? If not, plan a date with your little one; Show them what celebrating love is actually about.
- Girlz Night Out
- This Mobile spa for young girls allows you to pamper your daughter as a token of love.
- Valentine’s Day Art Party at Glenwood Library
- Stories + Art + Crafts = a winning combination with your kids.
Isn’t it a shame that there is no universally celebrated holiday dedicated to friendship? Well, it’s time we crash the Valentine’s party and celebrate those friends that are there, despite being in a relationship or not. Think about all of those times your friends have listened, supported, and made you laugh; don’t they deserve the status of “Valentine?”
- VDay Greensboro 2016
- VDay is a worldwide movement to raise awareness to end violence on females. In honor, Triad Stage will be presenting “The Vagina Monologues:” The ultimate female-bonding experience to have with friends.
- Valentine of Terror
- For a spin on celebrating Valentine’s Day, take your friends to Woods-of-Terror for the annual ‘Valentine’-of-Terror experience. Click here for a deal on tickets. Screaming and not taking yourself seriously are encouraged.
At the risk of sounding corny, there is virtually no possibility of being valentine-less; you have yourself. Who else knows you are secretly a pro at Dance, Dance, Revolution; knows that kitten videos on YouTube will always make you smile; knows that nap times = happy times; and finally, knows that all you truly want on Valentine’s Day is to be loved? Unfortunately, we cannot always depend on others for that sense of gratification; we must appreciate who we are and not limit our self-worth as dependent on other people. Next step? Celebrate what it is to be an individual.
- Purple Reign
- This fundraiser raises money for House of Refuge – a transitional living facility for women. Research shows that giving to others increases self-esteem in oneself. Why not give and party at the same time?
- Chicken Soup: Books, Business & Valentines
- Remember those Chicken Soup for The Soul books? Well, now you can meet one of the recent authors, make valentines for loved ones, support the Salvation Army Food Pantry, and eat some real, homemade chicken soup!